Managed Cloud Services

More time for your day-to-day business – with cloud services from viridicon

Cloud services create additional IT resources

Cloud services are digital resources and services that you access over an Internet connection. They are provided by an IT service provider and can include things like storage space, software, and computing power. So you hire resources from a provider as needed, rather than deploying them yourself in your company.


Your partner for customized cloud services

Cloud services cover a wide range of infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and software-as-a-service (SaaS). As an IT service provider, we provide you with the cloud-based services you need. Our experienced team will advise you in detail and develop with you an individual package of cloud services that meets your needs.

Benefits of viridicon Cloud Services

Whether you just need some extra storage or comprehensive cloud services, viridicon’s cloud services offer many benefits for your company.

Scalable resources on demand

We adapt our cloud services individually to your needs and react flexibly to changes.

Cost-effective resources

By booking cloud services, you can save yourself high costs for purchasing, installing, operating and managing your own hardware and software.

Professional maintenance and regular security updates

We make sure that your rented resources are up-to-date, secure and error-free.

High availability

We specialize in the provision of resources and ensure reliable systems.

Location-independent access

Cloud services can be accessed via the Internet, from anywhere you or your employees have access to the Internet.


Solutions that might interest you




Microsoft provides powerful services with the new Microsoft 365 solution. However, these services do not include a backup for your Office 365 data. Of more than 1,000 IT professionals surveyed, 81% said they had lost Office 365 data before. This was mostly due to user errors or threats.

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Stay one step ahead of the competition and secure the decisive competitive advantage with the HW Cloud. Give your employees the ability to work with Sitara/Powerbird from anywhere. Save yourself the complex administration and maintenance of your IT infrastructure.

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